Candles illuminate the darkness and Becky Ford‘s family have been crafting candles in Beguile for decades. When Becky took over the business from her father Aiden, there were the usual small town grumbling of concern. Becky however surprised the townsfolk despite the whispers about her being quite simple and dull and began to make wonderous candles. She was able to expand the original workshop and as a lone woman produced an alarming number of candles. Thwarting the naysayers Becky even created an online business for her candles and some are shipped to faraway exotic places in the world.
Becky’s business expanded quickly and those in Beguile worried she may not be able to meet the town supply catering to the whimsy of those farther afield. Not only does she always ensure that Beguile citizens have the stock they require she has began to make special candles just for those that live in town. The candles are unnecessarily decorative and Becky only makes and sells a few of theses candles a month which of course makes them all the more sought after. For those unable to get hold of one of the special candles there has been a growing rumble of envy. Of course this isn’t simply about the beauty of the candles but more about the persistent murmurings regarding the first minute one of the candles is lit. It’s alleged that a relative or friend who has passed appears in the candles illumination before a small puff of smoke is emitted and the dearly departed vanish. Despite this speculation being largely unsubstantiated the waiting list for one of Becky‘s special candles grows daily in Beguile.