Monday, August 5, 2019

Lucy Landry

The candy store in Beguile is one of the most popular stores with the locals and any transient visitors that happen to venture into the town. 

Lucy Landry is the owner and the confectioner.  She is known to the locals as a powerful kitchen witch, skills she applies to the colourful and scrumptious confectionery in her store.  In general Lucy knows what you need and her recommendations always result in the desired outcome. 

Lucy has a most affectionate and well thought of pet rodent,  some believe familiar, called Iggy.  Many have commented on the sentient manners and kindness of the small critter.  Lucy has taught the rodent well.  There are some that believe Iggy is actually Ignatius Turner, a former suitor of Lucy who broke her heart and purportedly left Beguile with his new love. But that’s just small town hearsay, supposedly. 

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