Saturday, June 29, 2019

Barnabas Ryan

Barnabas Ryan has been the barber in Beguile for about eight years.  He was born in the town to a couple who wandered into Beguile one stormy October night.  They had sought lodging and food at Betty’s Bed and Breakfast.  The couple, a Lucian and Susan Ryan, had decided to stay in the town and quickly sought work, Lucian at the local garage and Susan at the hospital.  They acquired permanent lodgings on a small farm left deserted by the strange disappearance of the Bell family a year prior to their arrival.

Barnabas had grown up in Beguile but at the age of eighteen he had left the town, most people believing that he was studying at some foreign college.  In fact he had been sent away by his father to be amongst his kin when he “turned”. The turning happened to all Ryan family males on their eighteenth birthday. He was to stay with his people until he could control his gift.  

When he came back to Beguile Barnabas decided to utilise a skill he had honed over his years away and he opened a barber shop in Beguile.  It replaced one that had been run by old Mr Braddock before he had passed. 

Barnabas is a popular member of Beguile, always happy to help others in the town. He does however have one quirk that the people of Beguile whisper about but never openly discuss.  Barnabas takes a moonlight hike once a month. He wanders alone, when the moon is at its most voluptuous, into the mountains that are beyond the Wild Woods, always returning the following day. 

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