Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Well

Somewhere off the main highway, just on the outskirts of Beguile, there is a field that was part of an ancient farm that is no longer worked.  In the field stands a well. No-one knows exactly how old the well is but the oldest citizens of Beguile recall it always being there.  What was once a working well has long since dried up.

There is a whisper among some residents of Beguile that when the moon is waning, right at midnight, you can toss a gold coin into the well.  You won’t hear it land but within a few days whatever your heart desires will inexplicably find it’s way to you.   You would think the tales of this well would make it a treasure but it is only the most strong-hearted and desperate that throw a coin into its dark maw. Beware, as what comes to you may not be exactly how you imagined. Your lack of foresight may result in your heart’s greatest desire being your most feared nightmare. 

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