Thursday, September 19, 2019

Emmett Kingston

Emmett Kingston is the Beguile butcher.  The business has been in his family for decades and the shop has been a reliable source of meat goods for Beguile residents since its doors opened in 1922. 

The shop has all manner of meat products and sources most of its fresh meat from the larger local farms.  Consistent good quality and a friendly approach to customers and vendors alike have resulted in the shops popularity and ensuing longevity. 

Emmett lives above the store with his mother Maude.  His father died recently so he has no plans to leave his newly grieving mother on her own just yet, despite the protestations of his current girlfriend Tanzy Thomas. 

Although the butcher shop and the apartment are traditionally decorated and beautifully cared for there is one room at the very back of the shop that causes a ripple of interest when things are quiet in the town.  

Right next to the main walk in freezer there is a red door.  The door seems to always be closed.  Some more curious customers, however, who have wandered to the back of the shop, have made some outrageous claims about what they believed they glimpsed in the small room on a rare occasion it was open. As only a few witnesses have seen the contents of the room briefly and in questionable light, their claims are slightly dubious.  There are some however that claim to have seen a bloody human heart, under a large glass cloche, still inexplicably beating.  Those claiming to have witnessed this anomaly have always been brushed off as fanciful or inebriated.  The whispers however, as with all small towns, continue. 

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